Monday 21 May 2012

I Was Sick of Feeling Sick

Freefrom means bye bye battered fish, cheap chips and vinegar.
Like many Freefromers I started off as a normal guy eating sandwiches, pasta and pizza almost everyday (I was at university and all that stuff was easy to cook).

However, I was noticing that I was ill a lot and I mean a lot.

I would wake up with no energy, feeling sick, splitting headaches (at the back of my head), spots in my vision plus my stomach was never right (bloated, tight and uncomfortable).

I went to the doctors a couple of times for advice. Sadly, I may as well have asked the cat, as they were useless!!

Don’t get me wrong, if you are bleeding profusely or a part of you has fallen off, docs are great. When it comes to diagnosis eating disorders docs are as useful as a chocolate tea pot (some lactose based irony for you there).

However, my girlfriend at the time was gluten and lactose intolerant and as we were eating together I started experimenting with free from foods. I started slowly, dumping cheap pasta, refined white breads and cows milk from my diet.

The difference in my life was amazing. The sickness, headaches and spots in my vision stopped almost over night and for the first time in about seven years I had energy again! Good times!!

However, that was just the start...

Are you a fellow Freefromer? How did you find out? Let me know your story.

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